How to send messages via UCE Mobile

How to use the Instant Messaging service on UCE Mobile

Once logged in on your UCE Mobile App, you will be placed on the 'Favourites' tab. You will see a menu bar at the top if on Android, and the bottom if on iPhone. 

Simply swipe to see 'IM' and select this. 

You will see an empty screen with the text 'There is no IM list.' 

Select the Create/Draft blue button (Square with a pencil image) in the bottom of the screen. 

Hit the search bar in the top of your screen.

Under Organization, Select where you would like to choose a contact from by clicking on a site name, this will typically be 'Head Office'. Once done, this will display all of your contacts. 

Simply select the desired contact and press OK. You will then be able to send a message. This will then be displayed in your IM list.

See video below